Fostering Intergenerational Connection With Brawerman Elementary

May 23, 2022
As part of an ongoing effort to foster intergenerational connection, Wallis Annenberg GenSpace is partnering with Brawerman Elementary School to connect students with older Angelenos. 

Each week, Brawerman students in second, fifth, or sixth grades visit GenSpace to engage in different activities with our members. Often, they’ll join an art class, provide assistance in our tech bar, or simply engage in conversations with some of our members, which is what they did in a recent art class. Brawerman students joined some older adults in GenSpace’s art studio to draw and talk as they made their masterpieces. 

Last week, Brawerman students helped some GenSpace members in our tech bar. The students showed older adults how to get more comfortable using their devices. 

And a few weeks ago, second and sixth graders from Brawerman visited GenSpace and engaged in activities that encouraged them to consider the role older adults play in their lives. 

Second graders used GenSpace’s art room to write and draw images of older adults who are important to them. And sixth grade students created a learning plan to help strengthen older adults’s tech skills to help them stay socially connected and healthy, especially during the pandemic. 

Part of the mission of Wallis Annenberg GenSpace is to encourage intergenerational connection. Studies show that both younger and older generations benefit from the interaction. Young people have been found to develop greater patience and an openness to alternative perspectives while the interaction has been found to benefit the health and vitality of older adults.

We’re thrilled to partner with Brawerman Elementary in this ongoing effort to bring younger and older generations together and we’ll continue to offer programming that emphasizes intergenerational collaboration. 

Check out GenSpace’s class schedule here to see what’s available in-person or on-demand online.

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Related Conversations

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