Electronic Press Kit

Updated February 2023

Triangle shape

Content Creator Resources

About GenSpace

4K M4V, 24fps

Interior B-roll

1080p mp4, 30fps.

0:00 – Art Room
0:46 – Greenhouse
1:51 – Sunken Garden
2:44 – Art Wall
3:08 – Fitness Room
3:41 – Entrance
4:15 – Tech Bar


848MB. High resolution of interior, exterior, and executive bio headshots. For media outlet use. Please credit photographers.

On-demand Video Excerpts

1080p mp4, 30fps.

0:00 – Horticulture Fundamentals Part III with Jose Miguel Ruiz and Luisa
0:21 – Low-Impact Yoga with Jana Johnson
0:38 – Chia Seed Pudding with Chef Kei Karayan
0:50 – Mindfulness with Mitra Manesh
1:14 – Standing Fitness with Anna Stavaridis
1:23 – Writing Your Own Story with Debra Pasquerette and Judy Kessler

GenSpace in the Community

1080p mp4, 30fps.

0:00 – The Big Give
0:19 – Light and Shadow Art Pop-Up
0:48 – Photography / Storytelling Pop-Up

Good for Business — How Employers Can Create Workplaces Where People of All Ages Can Thrive

1080p mp4, 30fps.

Explore how businesses benefit from recruiting—and retaining—older workers and how to strengthen your workforce by embracing generational differences. Plus: Judge Judy Shiendlin shares her wisdom and insights in our fireside chat.

Digital Bridges — Why the Future of Tech Depends on Older Adults

1080p mp4, 30fps.

Our first Aging Out Loud event, Digital Bridges – Why the Future of Tech Depends on Older Adults, brought together 13 technology and aging leaders for moderated conversations about intergenerational technology and age inclusivity.

Logo Pack

Multiple variants.

If I were alone in my home with absolutely no support system around me, GenSpace is exactly what I would like to find: a place where I could go and see other people in my age range, a place where I could make connections to the world. So many older people are prisoners of isolation and loneliness. GenSpace will provide the opposite of that feeling, because the opposite of loneliness is connection and engagement.
Wallis Annenberg
Our Founder